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Derrik T. Legler
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Derrik T. Legler, MBA, MEd, CCC-SLP

Languages spoken: American Sign Language, English, German, Korean, Spanish

Clinical Locations

Surgical Specialty Center

Voice Disorders Center
Salt Lake City
  • Derrik T. Legler, MBA, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, is a certified clinical speech-language pathologist who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of voice, swallowing, and upper airway disorders. Throughout his career, Derrik has received specialized training in the evaluation and treatment of voice, swallowing, and airway disorders at University of Virginia Otolaryngology, as well as within the University of Utah healthcare system. Derrik is a trained vocalist and performer whose professional interests include voice research, rehabilitative care for professional voices and interprofessional assessment and treatment of voice, swallowing, and airway disorders. In addition to his clinical credentials, he received his MBA in 2010 and has over 15 years of business management experience. He currently serves as the clinical operations manager of the University of Utah Voice Disorders Center, as well as of the .

    Board Certification

    American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Derrik T. Legler, MBA, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, is a certified clinical speech-language pathologist who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of voice, swallowing, and upper airway disorders. Throughout his career, Derrik has received specialized training in the evaluation and treatment of voice, swallowing, and airway disorders at University of Virginia Otolaryngology, as well as within the University of Utah healthcare system. Derrik is a trained vocalist and performer whose professional interests include voice research, rehabilitative care for professional voices and interprofessional assessment and treatment of voice, swallowing, and airway disorders. In addition to his clinical credentials, he received his MBA in 2010 and has over 15 years of business management experience. He currently serves as the clinical operations manager of the University of Utah Voice Disorders Center, as well as of the .

    Education history

    Graduate Training Communication Sciences and Disorders - University of Virginia M.Ed.
    Graduate Training Business Management - University of Phoenix MBA
    Undergraduate Linguistics - Brigham Young University B.A.