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Common Colonoscopy Questions

Ah, it鈥檚 time for the dreadful screening of your colon. It鈥檚 true that many patients get anxious for this critical, potentially life-saving procedure. And you likely have questions for your doctor. Here are some common questions and answers about a colonoscopy.

Can I Just Take a Pill to Get Cleaned Out as Opposed to Drinking All That Fluid?

While a pill prep was once available, it was pulled off the market due to risks of kidney injury. Also, it was not one pill. Patients have to consume 32 pills with 64 ounces of water. 

Now, there are newer preps on the market that can be taken as a split dose which tend to be better tolerated. 

Unfortunately, there is no pleasant or easy way to prep for a colonoscopy. You just have to do it.

What Is a Polyp and What Causes It?

A polyp is a lesion on the lining of the surface of the colon. They can be flat/carpet like or on a stalk like a mushroom. Most are precancerous and if left untreated will turn into cancer. 

There are many reasons why polyps develop. The main reason is due to genetic changes in the cells on the lining of the colon that cause a polyp to grow. Another genetic change then causes the polyp to turn cancerous. These changes can be inherited or caused by diet or environmental factors.

Why Is a Colonoscopy Recommended at Age 50?

The risk of colon cancer significantly increases past the age of 50. At the time of colonoscopy, your doctor is looking for polyps. Most of these polyps can be removed at the time of the procedure, which then eliminates the risk of that polyp turning into cancer. This makes colonoscopy an especially effective tool at preventing cancer because precancerous lesions are removed before they have a chance to turn into cancer as opposed to other screening modalities like mammography which are effective by finding cancer earlier.