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Summertime Burn Safety and Prevention

Summer is a wonderful time of year. It's a time to enjoy the great outdoors, celebrate with friends and family, and relax while the kids are out of school. However, fire and burn injuries do not take a summer vacation. Knowing a few safety tips and following these recommendations can help ensure it will be a safe and fun summer.

Campfire Safety

Campfire safety starts with planning where to put the fire, how to build it, and how to maintain it. Whether or not a designated fire pit is available, make sure the fire is at least 25 feet away from any tents or any structures.


  • Keep the fire small to make it easier to control
  • Have water or a fire extinguisher nearby
  • Stay at least three feet away from the fire
  • Completely extinguish the fire when it's time to put it out


  • Use a fire accelerant, such as gasoline, which can lead to a fire quickly getting out of control
  • Put anything in the fire other than wood
  • Leave the fire unattended

While most people focus on the risk of burn injuries from flames, the real risk comes from embers left behind after the fire dies down. This is because embers stay hot enough to cause a severe burn for up to 12 hours after the fire is out. The best way to extinguish a fire is to pour water on it until it's completely cool.

Firework Injuries

Like embers, sparklers appear to pose little danger. However, sparklers can reach temperatures greater than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit鈥攈otter than a blowtorch! The best way to avoid a burn injury from a firework is to avoid them altogether.


  • Have a bucket of water nearby
  • Keep fireworks out of children's reach
  • Follow local firework restrictions in your area
  • Leave the fireworks to the professionals


  • Leave children unattended with fireworks
  • Set off fireworks near dry brush
  • Place spent or unused fireworks in a trash can without first .
  • Ignite illegal fireworks

There are plenty of other fun ways to celebrate, such as confetti poppers, noise makers, colored streamers, glow sticks, or bubbles. You can also enjoy a fireworks show by attending a large display organized by professionals who follow safety guidelines.

Grilling Safety

As weather gets warmer, fire incidents involving grills increase. Regardless of the type of grill you own, remember a grill can stay hot for at least an hour after use.


  • Grill at least 10 feet away from the house
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of water close to the grill
  • Clean your grill after each use


  • Leave a lit grill unattended
  • Allow kids or pets to play near the grill