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Why Your Child Needs a Back to School Routine

Some kids can't wait to get back to class, see their friends, and excel at their scholastic work and extracurricular activities. Others loathe the pressure to fit in socially and fear they won't "make the grade" intellectually.

Regardless of where your child falls on this continuum, implementing consistent back-to-school rituals and annual traditions provide children with the security and stability they need to thrive while reinforcing family bonds.

Confront the Fear of Returning

If your child seems tentative about going , engage them in a dialogue to pinpoint their specific concerns. Are they concerned about a potentially tough teacher? Is the thought of harder subjects making them anxious? Are they worried about a bully?

Approximately 60% of kids don't tell an adult if they are being bullied. "Many kids don't report it because they worry that nothing will be done or that they will be partially blamed," says Matt Woolley, PhD, a child and adolescent psychologist at Huntsman Mental Health Institute.

Woolley provides these tips to parents:

  • Be empathetic to your child's concerns while focusing on the positive things about going back to school.
  • Generate excitement with a school supplies shopping spree.
  • If the school is new to your child, arrange a visit to the classroom, cafeteria, and playground.
  • Familiarize your child with the surroundings in advance of the first day to increase comfort and confidence.

Get in the Daily and Nightly Groove

Use the last few weeks of summer vacation to ease kids into a consistent school-day routine. "Stress and life changes associated with going back to school can bring on nightmares," says Benjamin Chan, MD, a child and adolescent psychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry at the . Re-establish your child's school-year sleep routine by ensuring they鈥檙e in bed early and rises at their school-day time.

The National Sleep Foundation suggests:

  • Ages 3-5 years: 10 to 13 hours of sleep a night (including naps)
  • Ages 6-12 years: 9 to 12 hours of sleep a night
  • Ages 13-18 years: 8-10 hours of sleep a night

Make sure kids put electronic devices like cell phones, tablets, and laptops away well before bedtime. Research shows that the glowing light from screens disrupts sleep cycles.

Parents can help their child by:

  • Preparing in advance: Help your child start getting dressed at the normal school-year time a few weeks in advance and serve them meals and snacks at the same time that they will be eaten when class resumes. Make an effort to have regular sit-down family dinners.
  • Minimizing morning chaos: Designate a spot where backpacks and lunch boxes always go, and help your child set out what they need the night before. Placing homework in the backpack and choosing the next day's outfit eliminates last-minute scrambling.

Review Transportation and Safety Rules

Are your children walking to school, riding bikes, or taking the bus? Will you drive them or have you organized a carpool? Are the exact drop-off and pick-up locations clear to everyone?

If they're riding the bus, review the schedule with them, and be clear about what they should do once they get off the bus. If they ride bikes, map out the safest route. Reinforce traffic safety information like crossing at the crosswalk and never accepting rides from strangers. The National Center for Safe Routes at School reports that most children aren't prepared to cross the street alone until .

Determine After-School Procedures

If your schedule permits, try to be home when the kids return from school for the first week or two. If your job does not offer this flexibility, arrange some sort of supervision from a responsible relative, friend, or neighbor.

If your kids or teens are  in the afternoons, KidsHealth advises that you establish clear rules:

  • Designate a time when they're expected to arrive home from school.
  • Require them to check in with you or a neighbor as soon as they get home.
  • Specify who is allowed in your home when you're not there.
  • Ensure they know what to do in an emergency.

You may want to look into after-school programs or special interest classes that inspire them to develop new skills and talents. Check with your local YMCA, places of worship, community and youth centers, or parks and recreation departments.

Set a Time and Place for Homework

Empower your child to succeed in school by making homework an important part of their day's structure.

  • Let them decide if they鈥檇 like to play outside when they get home from school and do homework later or get homework out of the way first so their evening is free.
  • Establish a specific place for studying at home. Can you purchase a small desk for your child's bedroom? Even if it's just the kitchen table, "Children need a consistent workspace that is quiet, without distractions, and promotes study," according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • Be sure to keep a watchful eye on their progress, and if your kids are social media buffs, limit the time spent on these activities during homework time.

Before you know it, your family will be back in the school-year rhythm, and those lazy, hazy days of summer will be treasured memories.