In 2019, Charlie Ellis, who lives with bipolar disorder, found himself in a crisis. After a friend called the police for help, he found himself surrounded by officers with guns...
On Wednesday, May 18, 2022, Jeremy Kendrick, MD, an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Provider Informaticist, will present a Psychiatry Grand Rounds titled "Come On In, the Water's Fine: Making...
Los adolescentes suelen tener fuertes reacciones emocionales acompa帽adas de sentimientos de frustraci贸n, agobio, mal humor, cansancio y enfado. Como padre, 驴c贸mo puede saber si los factores de estr茅s f铆sico y...
Teenagers often have strong emotional reactions accompanied by feelings of being frustrated, overwhelmed, moody, tired, and angry. As a parent, how can you tell if physical and psychological stressors have...
On Wednesday, May 4, 2022, Ipsit V. Vahia, MD, a geriatric psychiatrist, clinician, and researcher, will present a Psychiatry Grand Rounds titled "Digital Mental Health and Aging: Opportunities and Pitfalls."
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and a time for us to prioritize our physical and psychological well-being. Together we can address the stigma associated with mental health and substance...
Together, with national experts across the country, Huntsman Mental Health Institute at the University of Utah launched a nationwide collaborative effort toeliminate mental health and substance use disorder stigma.
Desde marzo de 2020, los trabajadores sanitarios de la comunidad (CHW) han asumido un papel expansivo como trabajadores esenciales para ayudar en la primera l铆nea de la pandemia de COVID-19...
On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, Tiffany Love, PhD, a neuroscientist and Senior Program Manager at HealthRhythms, will present a Psychiatry Grand Rounds titled "Supporting Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry Through Mobile...
Meet Amanda Bakian, PhD, a research associate professor and human ecologist at Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI), who studies contributors to the risk of psychiatric conditions such as autism spectrum...
No es raro que los adolescentes se sientan tristes, ansiosos, confundidos o angustiados. Cuando las emociones negativas se vuelven abrumadoras, los j贸venes de 12 a 14 a帽os pueden empezar a...
La adicci贸n es una enfermedad que afecta al cerebro y al comportamiento de una persona, lo que le lleva a ser incapaz de controlar su consumo de una droga legal...
On March 29, Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) was designated an 鈥淟GBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader鈥 in the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation's 15th-anniversary edition of the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI).
Every April, the world comes together to celebrate World Autism Awareness Month. Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) is dedicated to raising awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the variety...