When it comes to winter sports, making sure you are properly hydrated and well-fed is important. Not doing so could make you feel fatigued and negatively impact your performance on...
We Americans love our soda pop or soft drinks. The problem is that the sweet, carbonated drink you might crave at 3 p.m. is also a source of health problems.
If you're interested in starting a plant-based, research shows that a diet focused on whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean proteins significantly lowers the risk of heart disease and many...
News about the sunshine vitamin isn't quite so sunny these days as vitamin D deficiencies are on the rise. Learn about why vitamin D is essential to your health and...
Who doesn't love a tailgate? But football season can take its toll on your health with lots of chips, dips, fried foods, soft drinks, and beer. Here's how to enjoy...
Nunca es demasiado pronto para empezar a cuidar la salud de su cerebro. Si adopta estos cambios en su estilo de vida, puede mejorar considerablemente su funci贸n cognitiva y su...
It's never too early to start taking care of your brain health. By adopting these lifestyle changes, you can significantly boost your cognitive function and overall well-being as you age.
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but school lunches are especially vital for keeping young learners attentive and energized throughout the day. Here are some...
The harvest season is upon us, bringing a bounty of fresh and delicious fruits and veggies to your local produce aisle. Here are some selections to add to your shopping...
Long-term research shows that a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, especially blueberries and strawberries, can help prevent the onset of heart disease.
Lo que una madre lactante come y bebe puede afectar lo que se transmite a su beb茅 a trav茅s de la leche materna. Durante el embarazo y el posparto, es...
If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, your physician may recommend a low FODMAP diet to identify foods that contribute to your digestive problems. Here's how a FODMAP diet can...
With grocery prices on the rise, it can be challenging to put food on the table without breaking the bank. Here are some simple ways to eat well on a...