Gale Devisser, an artist known for her wire tree sculptures, faced a setback due to severe arthritis in her thumb. After years of managing the pain through cortisone shots and...
While losing a limb is a life-changing experience, it's important to remember that you don't have to go through an amputation alone. Your postoperative care will involve an interdisciplinary team...
After giving birth, it takes some time for certain body parts to return back to place. For many women, it could take several months to get rid of that stubborn...
While celebrating his daughter's birthday at a trampoline park, Alan landed awkwardly on a 45-degree trampoline and felt something tear. Eventually this led to him seeing a foot and ankle...
A new trend is causing people to soak their bodies in freezing cold water in the belief that it will help improve their immune system and cardiovascular health. While there...
Dori Schmalzle isn鈥檛 the kind of person who lets pain stop her. So when the 63-year-old started feeling pain in her right shoulder the fall of 2021, she thought the...
The pelvic floor muscles may be the most neglected and least thought about. But they are one of the most important muscle groups in our bodies, supporting bladder, bowel, and...
Cathy Hinshaw, now 76, was no ordinary 1950s girl. She grew up playing not one, not two, but three sports鈥攁ll incredibly well. At college in California, she joined the basketball...
Physical therapy (PT) is a valuable tool for people of all ages with a wide variety of conditions. But with so many conditions that could require PT, and so many...
After losing a limb, it's important to work with a team of rehabilitation specialists to prepare for the road ahead. Here are some tips to get you started.
After an amputation, some patients may feel pain in their residual limbs, known as phantom pain or stump pain. Describing your post-amputation pain can help your doctor accurately diagnose and...
Soccer injuries are generally either acute or cumulative. Acute injuries are traumatic while cumulative injuries result from repetitive stress on a muscle, joint, or connective tissue trigger that can progressively...
If you're missing a limb, a device called a prosthesis may help you perform daily activities such as walking, eating, or dressing. This kind of artificial limb will allow you...