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Interviewer: It's time for another edition of Seven Questions for a Specialist. Today we have Dr. Chris Peters. He's an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee and hip replacement. Are you ready for Seven Questions?
Dr. Peters: I'm ready. Go.
#1: What's the Best Thing I Can Do for My Knee or Hip Health?
Dr. Peters: Staying active, maintaining ideal body weight, and avoiding cliff jumping.
#2: What's the Best Thing I Can Do After a Joint Replacement Surgery?
Dr. Peters: Go out and live a full, active life.
#3: What's the Most Common Knee and Hip Problem That You Encounter?
Dr. Peters: Arthritis.
#4: What's One Thing You Wish People Knew When It Comes to Joint Replacement?
Dr. Peters: It's not as painful a thing to go through as most people think.
#5: Knowing What You Know About Hips and Knees, You Cringe a Little When You See Someone Doing What?
Dr. Peters: Marathon running.
Interviewer: Really? Expand on that a little bit.
Dr. Peters: Well, that's not really fair, because, you know, if you look at it, marathon runners are usually super-fit. They're slight people, and they're highly conditioned, and there's actually not a lot of evidence that says running well into your 50s and 60s leads to arthritis, but it gets to the point of overuse in very vigorous athletic activity, so for instance, NFL players tremendously high rate of hip and knee arthritis. So extremely high-impact, competitive athletics, I think, is very hard on your hip and knees
#6: How Can I Prevent Common Knee and Hip Injuries?
Dr. Peters: It's common sense. To a certain extent, you can't eliminate that if you want to live a full life. Parents a lot of times ask me, "Well, should my kid play football?" "Should my kid not play basketball?" Well, no. We have to accept that there are some risks in the things that bring enjoyment in life, and recreation's one of those things.
#7: What Do I Need to Know About Nutritional Supplements That Say They Will Help My Joint Health?
Dr. Peters: Save your money. In most cases, a once-a-day multivitamin is probably all that you need.
updated: January 7, 2025
originally published: May 10, 2017
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