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You are listening to Who Cares About Men's Health?:

121: Fatherhood, The Core 4, and More

Nov 29, 2022

Life fundamentally changes the day a man becomes a father. Two months ago, Troy became a dad, and we wanted to check in and see how he is doing. Troy shares observations and thoughts about fatherhood, how it’s impacting his Core 4 (nutrition, activity, emotional health, and sleep), and his strategies for managing health during a new chapter of his life.

Episode Transcript

This content was originally created for audio. Some elements such as tone, sound effects, and music can be hard to translate to text. As such, the following is a summary of the episode and has been edited for clarity. For the full experience, we encourage you to subscribe and listen— it's more fun that way.

Scot: Hey, Troy. What was one of the things that everybody said about being a new dad, and you're like, "Eh, really?" and it turns out it's true? What was the one thing? Do you have something?

Troy: I think the anxiety that comes with it, that's probably the one thing. I heard people say, "You will lie there at night, and you will just listen to her breathe. And you will just make sure you are hearing her breathe." And I was like, "No way. I would never even do that." I have absolutely done that. So, yeah, that's definitely true.

Scot: Oh, man. Transitioning into fatherhood, like any chapter, can be really, really challenging and it can have an impact on your health. I mean, how many times have you heard guys say they stopped exercising or eating right after they've had kids, or their sleep is just constantly impacted after that? Or just even emotional health issues. It's a big change in your life. And we have a guy that has just become a new daddy, Dr. Troy Dadsen.

Troy: Dadsen, with a D.

Mitch: Dr. Troy Dadsen.

Scot: With a D.

Troy: There we go.

Scot: And this is a Sideshow episode of "Who Cares About Men's Health," where we're going to get a new daddy update, where Troy is going to tell us some of his experience as it relates to his life, and back to the Core Four that might be able to help other new dads.

"Who Cares About Men's Health" provides information, inspiration, and a different interpretation of men's health. My job, I bring the BS. I'm Scot Singpiel, and I chose not to have kids because I was afraid I'd screw them up. So that's why I don't have kids.

Troy: Scot, I was deathly afraid I would screw them up too. But I have a kid now, and hopefully I don't screw her up.

Scot: Now that is the MD to my BS, new daddy, Troy Madsen.

Troy: Yeah, that's me, bringing the baby to the show.

Scot: And nieces and nephews are enough for now, says Mitch Sears. He's on the show as well.

Mitch: Yeah. I'm good for a bit. Yeah, I'm good.

Scot: Okay. Because I just made that up to be clever in the intro, and then I asked myself, "I wonder if that's true. I wonder if he actually wants to have kids at this point."

Mitch: I don't know. No.

Scot: No?

Mitch: No. We'll see. I mean, we'll figure it out at one point or another.

Scot: Okay. All right. Troy, it's great to have you back on the show for a new daddy update. So I've got one question for this episode of the podcast. Tell us all about being a new dad.

Troy: So I'm just going to go into a 20-minute monologue now.

Scot: Actually, just give us an update to start off with. How's it going so far? How long's it been and how's it going?

Troy: So things are going incredibly well. It's been two months. She just turned 2 months old. Her name is Adeline. We call her Addie. That's her nickname. So she goes by Addie. She was born just over two months ago.

And I will say the delivery experience itself went incredibly smoothly. It was funny. It was just about . . . Well, it was one week before she was due. And Laura, my wife, was at the vet with one of our foster dogs, Arthur, who, Scot, you know well. You saw pictures of him at least. Very cute little guy. And Laura calls me and says, "Well, Arthur is doing well, and I think my water just broke."

Mitch: She buried the lede? Ugh.

Troy: Yeah, she totally buried the lede. She started with, "Well, Arthur is doing well. Everything is good. And I think my water just broke."

Scot: Well, from a comedic standpoint, that is the delivery. So good for her.

Troy: Yeah, exactly. From a comedic standpoint, yeah. So she came home. We went in to the hospital. So we got in there about noon. Addie was born about 2 in the morning. Came out with her eyes wide open and just the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. Obviously, I'm very biased.

Scot: Of course you are.

Troy: And then I had about an hour with her alone because they just had to watch her over just in the pediatric . . . just the neonatal care unit. So I had about an hour in there with her alone, just sitting there with her, and just looking at her and just thought, "Wow, this is absolutely remarkable."

And every day since then, I've felt the same way. Every day it is just . . . Just to see her grow, and develop, and her mental development as she's become more attentive and more focused on our faces. Just in the last two weeks, she'll smile. I'll look at her and she'll see me and she'll smile, and look at Laura and smile and laugh. We'll laugh and she'll laugh, and it's just the cutest thing in the world.

And she's just my little best buddy. We walk around during the day. She loves to ride around in this pack. I've got this little pack that sits on my chest, and she's facing me and she just loves that. She'll ride around all day.

Some days, after a long run, my legs are tired and I'm like, "I don't know if I can be on my feet for another three hours carrying this kid around." But she loves it, and she'll fall asleep. And she'll look around, look outside at the squirrels and birds and whatever else.

It's like I've got this new little best friend at home now. And quite honestly, just really enjoying it.

And I think probably the biggest surprise in all this has just been how smoothly everything has gone. Again, me being kind of the pessimist, where I see so many things that go wrong in pregnancy just throughout my medical career, and just being aware of those things. And so I think just every day I'm so grateful that everything has gone as well as it has, and everything continues to go well, and just really enjoying the time I have with her.

Scot: You know what? As you were talking and as we're having this conversation, Troy, it just dawned on me talking about the new baby and going into depth about details about the new baby is something that we tend to think that women do, right? That's my perception.

Mitch: Yeah.

Scot: But then as you're talking about this, and I'm sitting here and I'm listening, I'm like, "I don't know if guys talk about . . ." Do you get asked by other guys about how it's going, and are they expecting an in-depth update? Are they just expecting, "Eh, it's great"? What's your experience with that?

Troy: Yeah, I think it is definitely less of a guy thing. I have had one friend in particular who has seemed genuinely interested, who has texted me. And we really haven't talked. It's been more just text. But he's always like, "Oh, send me pictures." I don't know if he's just being nice. I think most guys it's kind of like, "Hey, how are things going?" And you're like, "Oh, things are good. She's great." But he has seemed a little more interested.

But I think it is not a conversation I would say I've had a lot beyond having the same sort of conversation with my parents or siblings. Kind of telling them about things. And even then, when I say siblings, I'm talking about my sisters.

So, yeah, I don't know that guys have that sort of conversation a lot, but we'll see.

Scot: Yeah. I want to jump in and ask, this friend of yours that has shown some interest, does that make you feel different? Do you like that? Do you like talking about her? I guess what I'm trying to get at here is maybe we should do this more often for our friends that have become new dads, because they would enjoy talking about it. It would make them happy.

Troy: I think it would make them happy. But I also kind of feel like I don't want to be the guy who is always saying everything about his cute little girl and showing everyone pictures because I'm kind of like, "Do they really care? Am I over-sharing? Is this too much? Do they really want to know all this?" So there is that sort of guy thing in me too, where it's kind of like, "Do they really want to hear me say all this stuff?"

Scot: If the shoe was on another foot, if it was not you with the new baby, but a friend of yours that you would consider a close friend, would you want to hear about it?

Troy: That's a good question. Probably at this point I would a lot more than I would have a year ago. I think as you're going through it, and you're having those experiences, and then others share that with you . . .

I think six months down the road, if I have a friend who has a new baby and they're sharing their experiences with me, I think then there's a certain amount of nostalgia and reminiscing that you would experience as you hear their experiences.

But let's say a year ago, I don't know that I would've been that interested. And that's just simple reality, just because it wasn't really part of my life. I didn't really have a lot to relate to there.

So that's kind of where I'm sometimes hesitant to say too much and feel like I'm over-sharing, or being that kind of irritating person who's showing them 100 pictures of my new baby and they just don't care.

Scot: I mean, I am actually genuinely interested. Even though we're doing this for a podcast episode, I'm genuinely interested in hearing about your experience and hearing about it in depth. Although there are other people in my life that I would not be, but I consider you a much closer friend.

So I think I want to flag this as a little takeaway. At least my observation is if you have really close friends and you're not having these discussions, maybe open up because it's really going to make that other person feel really good. They want to talk about it, I would imagine.

Troy: They do. Yeah, I think so.

Scot: You say you want to talk about it.

Troy: I do. I love talking about her. I really do.

Scot: Don't just peg this as this is something that women do. Men can do this too.

Troy: Yeah. There are so many cool experiences just on a daily basis, just little tiny things. Again, like I said, when she started to just focus on us more, and you could tell her eyesight was improving and focusing on our smile, just the laughs, and the little sound she makes. And talking to her, her looking at me and then her moving her mouth and making little noises like she's trying to talk too.

It's just silly little things like that, but it's just like, "Wow, this is so cool." Every day she entertains me. I'm not bored at all. Every moment I spend with her I find interesting and entertaining in some way.

Scot: So you said what's been surprising for you, and definitely it sounds like you've been blessed how well things have gone, because that doesn't necessarily happen in all cases. But what's been kind of challenging?

Mitch: Sure.

Scot: What do you deal with there?

Troy: Yeah, I think some of the challenges . . . Fortunately, I think I did have some preparation for them. I will say this, and I don't want to say this in a negative way at all, but leading up to this, I received more unsolicited advice than I have ever received at any point in my life.

I can only think of a couple cases where I might have asked for some advice, but the amount of advice I have received was astounding, as people found out we had a baby on the way. But that's a good thing. I think it helped me out a lot.

But I will say one of the things that has been a big adjustment is just expecting everything is going to take a whole lot longer. If we're getting ready to go out anywhere, you just expect it's going to take a lot longer to do that.

There were some unexpected medical issues very early on. Not major issues, but just some things that came up where it was, in that first week, multiple visits to the pediatrics clinic. The first couple days, we were just down there every day. It was a little stressful. No question about it.

Scot: Yeah, I didn't know about that.

Troy: Yeah. It wasn't big stuff. I mean, it was just stuff that comes up.

Scot: But at the time, it probably was, right?

Troy: It wasn't. I mean, that's the thing. Again, I knew of so many things that could possibly go wrong that I felt very grateful that that was all that we were dealing with. It wasn't big stuff. It was just like, "Okay, I've seen this in the ER. I've dealt with this. This is what we do." But it was an added level of just a little more complexity.

Scot: Yeah, it makes your life even more busy because you've got all these appointments and more traveling and stuff.

Troy: Yeah, exactly. So that's why it was a relief to just kind of get through that first week. And then at the end of the week, the pediatrician was like, "Hey, everything is good. We'll see you back here in a couple weeks." So I was like, "Great. We have two weeks where we don't have to come and see a doctor." So that was nice.

But yeah, I think in terms of just unexpected things that have come up, I think it helps having . . . Working in the medical field definitely helps to at least kind of know a lot of what you could deal with.

I will say, though, maybe one of the most unexpected things I have dealt with is how you truly as a medical professional lose all objectivity when you're talking about your own child. It's very different.

I may see a rash in the ER and be like, "Oh, that's what it is. No big deal." I see a rash on her, I'm like, "Oh, wow. It could be this, this, this, this, and this, and I'm really concerned." I'm a little different because I'm overthinking it.

But I will say, I think every parent runs that risk of turning to Dr. Google. You Google stuff and you see every awful thing that it could possibly be. And that's kind of where my mind has gone at times, like, "Oh, it could be this, this, this."

Yeah, I think we all face those anxieties as this little person who we just are so involved in, and care so much about, and don't want to mess things up on, that we might overthink certain things. So I think that happens to everyone, regardless of whether you're in the medical profession or not.

Mitch: So one of the things that I'm finding really interesting hearing about this kind of dialogue is being someone who has not really thought about kids much. When I was younger, there were some medical things going on. I was told I might not be able to have them, etc. If you were to have talked to me a couple years ago about any of this, I probably would not have been interested. I just would've been like, "Uh-huh. Babies."

Scot: Even with Troy?

Mitch: Even with Troy. I would've . . .

Troy: No offense, Mitch. I would've felt the same way.

Mitch: I would've been appreciative of his excitement. But me, myself, I'd be like, "Cool. Let's see what else we can talk about."

But in the last few years . . . We made the joke about nieces and nephews, and I have some, and I've interacted with them. I was the youngest of my family. I didn't have babies to hold, and there was no real child interaction until just recently in my life. And there's kind of an excitement about it, right? They're new. They're trying new things out.

And so it's so exciting to hear Troy, someone I've worked with, someone that I care about, my friend, having these things for his own baby, and his own experience. So it's different and I appreciate it.

Troy: Well, thanks, Mitch. I will say that, too, in terms of what other people have said . . . and I've heard it for forever. Everyone has always said, "When you have kids, it completely changes your life." I never heard anyone say it changes your life for the better. They always just said it changes your life. I feel like my life is a lot better. I love it.

Scot: Oh, that's awesome.

Troy: This has been good. I will say this has been great. It has absolutely been a huge change.

And it's so funny because that weekend she was born . . . She wasn't due for another week. We had planned out at least five different activities we were going to do that weekend. We were going to go to the symphony. There was a Gorillaz concert that Monday. We were going to go to that. We didn't buy any tickets. We were just like, "We're going to wait until an hour before." So obviously we canceled all . . . we didn't do any of those things.

We haven't gone to any concerts, no shows, nothing like that since then. It completely changes your life. There's no question. But those are minor things.

Scot: The trade-off is worth it.

Troy: It's well worth it. I'm absolutely enjoying it.

Scot: All right. Well, let's jump to the Core Four check-in, because fatherhood does change a lot of things, right? Your life is flipped, turned upside down. And sometimes it can be hard to maintain some of those things, and a lot of stuff changes. So, Troy, how are you doing with the Core Four? Let's go ahead and start with eating. Has the eating changed at all?

Troy: No, it hasn't, and I feel fortunate there. The one big change I will say early on is that I wasn't eating as much. And it's funny, I actually lost a few pounds in the first month. I think I just wasn't eating as much. Just busy. And then with kind of sleep patterns being off, for me personally, I wasn't eating at night.

So in terms of the time-restricted eating, intermittent fasting, whatever you want to call it, usually I'm doing 12 hours. So then I was actually having nights where I was going 15, 16 hours.

Scot: Without eating? Okay.

Troy: Without eating. So I think that may have been part of it. But it's been good. I have tried to focus on that, on making sure I'm not eating a lot of sweets, or stress eating, or snacking in the middle of the night if I'm up, things like that.

Scot: So you have had to make a conscientious kind of effort?

Troy: Oh, for sure. Yeah, there's no question. And I knew that was potentially going to be an issue with snacking in the middle of the night if I'm up with her, or, like I said, kind of stress eating, turning more to sweets, that kind of stuff. So I have tried to make a conscious effort to say, "Stick with what you're doing." And it's been going well, so that's good.

Scot: How about activity? I think I already know the answer to this. You've been such a dedicated runner, and you've had such a running habit that I'd imagine that it's been pretty easy. Or no?

Troy: I would not say easy, but fortunately, it has been consistent. And I'm still fortunately . . . Again, this had to be a conscious effort, and I feel like we're in a good spot now where I feel like I'm good with keeping going with this. But I really wanted to say, "I'm going to keep doing this and I don't want this to be something that I just give up."

I think it was John Smith . . . He said a couple things that stuck with me. Number one, he said, "With every child, pick one of your hobbies and forget about it. You're going to lose it." So I was like, "I don't want it to be running."

But then he also said . . . He offered to go to Buffalo Wild Wings with me or something. And he said, "You just need to do stuff just so you feel like yourself."

And so kind of tying those two things together, I just thought, "I want to keep running," because when I run, that's how I really feel like myself. I just love that time. I enjoy it. I'm out there with my dog. And so I've been able to keep that going and be consistent.

It's been something with Laura where it's like, "Hey . . ." We both say we want to support each other to do these things we enjoy. She loves going to classes, like exercise classes, fitness classes, so I'm here to help her do that. She helps me to make sure I have the time that I'm going out going running.

Scot: That's awesome.

Troy: So that's been a conscious thing to make sure we're doing that. That's been good.

Scot: Yeah, communicating with your spouse and just planning out how that is going to be possible.

Troy: Yeah, exactly. It is so much more complex when you've got a little one at home, and you're trying to balance childcare and all that. It's a whole lot different than when you're just kind of doing your thing and like, "Hey, maybe I'll go running at 6 this morning. Eh, maybe I'll go running at 7. Maybe 8." It's much different when you're making sure you . . .

So, anyway, so it's just been a matter of organization, and making sure we're communicating, and sticking with what we like to do.

Scot: It takes more work, man.

Troy: Yeah, it does.

Scot: Not only are you bringing more work home with that kid, but it just takes more work doing the things you did before the kid. How about your emotional health? How's that doing?

Troy: It's been good. There certainly has been an element of anxiety. There's no question about it. Anxiety of making sure I'm not doing anything that would ever put her in harm's way, doing anything stupid, anything that . . . I don't know. You just read so much, like, "Put the baby back to sleep. They have to lie on their back. They can't lie on their stomach. Nothing in there that could suffocate them." I can't have any blankets in there, no toys. Stuff like that. I don't want to do anything like that, and I want to know everything I need to do to make sure there's nothing that could potentially harm her.

And these are just little tiny things. I'm not talking about dropping the baby. I'm talking about making sure there's not a blanket that she could somehow bunch up in her face and suffocate. So there's definitely that element of anxiety, and I think every parent experiences that.

So, yeah, from an emotional health standpoint, I think a little more anxiety. But at the same time, I think there have been so many positive things from an emotional health standpoint too. Just the reward and joy in being able to interact with her.

You asked about running and fitness. I think this kind of thing brings so much more meaning to just health and diet and all those things, just because I want to be a healthy dad for her. I want to be healthy. I want to be here for her in the long-term. I want to stay healthy. It's not just about me running marathons or trying to qualify. I want to keep running because I want to stay healthy.

A lot of things we talked about on the podcast have had a lot more meaning as I've thought about those in terms of just healthy lifestyle, and being healthy, and doing that for her too.

Scot: So there's a lot of extra overhead you have to deal with. If you think of the mind . . . And this is just an analogy, right? It's flawed like all analogies. But if you think of the mind as a computer, everything you have to keep track of is just another processing unit, right? You've added so much more, all the things you talk about that you're just trying to pay attention to make sure that your child is safe. So that kind of fills the cup.

Are you doing anything additional to help with your mental health or help bring a little bit of relaxation from that kind of anxiety or that stress?

Troy: I've been watching a ton of sports.

Scot: That's what you do, huh?

Troy: Watch so many sports. And it's been a great time to have a baby. The month of October and November, it's just like sports heaven. There was the World Series. NBA starts up. College football and NFL are in full swing. That's kind of my release in a lot of ways, watching sports. It's distracting.

Scot: It helps turn your brain off for a little bit.

Troy: Yeah, it turns the brain off. Yeah. And it's fun too, because it's time we're kind spending together. I'm carrying her around, have the TV on, walking around with her with the little pack on, and she really enjoys that. And so, yeah, that's probably been my thing.

But you're right, I think you do need that sort of release where you just be . . . And not to go down on the dark side, but you have to be aware that some people, it just becomes so overwhelming. And the sad part is, again, as a healthcare practitioner, I've seen the cases where it's become completely overwhelming and you see the shaken babies and you see those who have been abused, and it is just absolutely horrible. And you just ask what led to that? How did people get to that point? I don't know all the dynamics there.

And then there's postpartum depression. We've talked about it in men, as well as in women. So that's something. And I worried about that going into this. I wondered, "Is Laura going to experience this? Am I going to experience this?" I've had many patients in the ER, women in particular, who have experienced postpartum depression.

So, again, I think you do have to have that release. You do have to have those other things where it's a distraction. And we've tried to have other activities, like planning activities every week with her where we're going out on walks. We're planning this week to go do this little drive-through Christmas light thing where you drive through and see Christmas lights. Just little things like that that you can look forward to, activities you can do together.

And as I'm saying this, I kind of feel like a jerk. I'm sounding like I know what I'm doing. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Let me just say that up front.

Scot: Fair enough.

Troy: I have no idea what I'm doing. We're just trying to figure this out. But this seems to be working. And again, two months into it, so far, so good.

Scot: Yeah. And I think the important message is I think sometimes people feel guilty if they're not 100% with the new child all the time. But you still do have to take time for yourself, whether that's something you enjoy doing, or just even some downtime where you can just turn the brain off for a little bit.

And if you're having struggles with that, that's an important thing to talk to a professional about and get some tools to help work through that.

Troy: That's it. And I've had to tell myself that a few times. I've had to just say to myself, "If I'm not in a good place emotionally, I cannot be emotionally available to help her out." I've got to be in a good place. Laura needs to be in a good place. I think every parent needs that.

Yeah, you've got to be able to . . . whatever that means. Like you said, if you need professional help, if you're just turning to family members, whatever, friends, to get some help, being able to . . .

Scot: No shame in it.

Troy: Yeah, no shame at all. You've got to be the best parent you can, and that's how you do it. You've got to be in a good place emotionally.

Scot: All right. Core Four check-in, the last one. I think I know what the answer to this one is going to be. That's why I saved it until last. Sleep.

Troy: Sleep. Again, this whole process has been so pleasantly surprising. I dreaded the sleep piece of this just because I've struggled so much with sleep. I really just thought, "This is going to be awful. We're not going to sleep."

So what we did very early on in the first couple days is we decided we're going to split up the night shift. So Laura took the 9:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. shift, and I took the 3:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. shift. And I set my alarm. Every night at 3:30, I got up, took over for her. I was then able to bottle-feed her. Laura had dedicated sleep time. At that point, she was feeding like every hour or two. She wanted to eat, and she needed to eat. She's growing a ton. So that's how we did it.

We did that for six weeks. And then at that point, she got to a point where she's sleeping more consistently and much longer stretches. So we haven't done that since then.

And Laura . . . thank you, Laura . . . has been the one who gets up with her at night now, which some nights it may be once or twice, fortunately.

But it was interesting doing that regular sleep schedule. So I was falling asleep at like 9:30, sometimes 9:00 before Laura's shift started. Doing that consistently, it actually worked out pretty well.

And I thought a lot about what Kelly Barron talked about, about sleep hunger. If I've ever had trouble falling asleep before, I now know if I get up every morning at 3:30, I will not have trouble falling asleep because I had no trouble falling asleep.

So it actually worked out pretty well, where just having that regular sleep schedule . . . It was kind of nice in a way. It was always tough to get up that early, but . . .

Scot: But it's consistent, which is . . .

Troy: It's consistent.

Scot: . . . not a thing you've ever really had before.

Troy: Yeah. I mean, in stretches I . . .

Scot: You're taking the male paternity.

Troy: Yeah, exactly.

Scot: Do you get crap for that from the other guys?

Troy: I sure do.

Scot: Do you?

Troy: Sometimes it's very subtle, like, "Wow, they didn't have that when I had my baby."

Scot: "Well, yeah, how lucky am I?"

Troy: I'm like, "I'm so glad I have it." So I'm very fortunate. Yeah, I have been on paternity leave. That's something the university offers, and I am so grateful for that. This would've been much different trying to do crazy shifts along with this for the last two months.

Scot: And it's something that not everybody has, so it's just one of those great things.

Troy: I know. I mean, that being said, I think most people, at least you can . . . Yeah, you take FMLA time, but . . .

Scot: It's whether you get paid.

Troy: I mean, I get paid. Yeah. For me, it's like eight weeks. Well, it's really six weeks paid, and then two weeks of just leave. That's technically how it works out.

Scot: You highly recommend it if it's available to people and they can make it work.

Troy: I will say that. I will tell anyone if you have that option, take it with no shame whatsoever. Do not feel ashamed. Do not feel you have an obligation as a man, because you're a man, to say, "Well, I'm not going to take it because I'm a man. I'm going to keep showing up at work. I'm not going to take paternity leave." Absolutely take it.

And I think it's a number of reasons. Number one, I feel like it's really helped me to be available to kind of do that shift schedule and help Laura out. It's been great for just being there with Addie, with my baby, to bond with her.

But then also, we've kind of been a little bit isolated. We're not really going out. And this is something our pediatrician told us, like, "Keep your circle tight. Don't be going out and doing a lot of things out in public. There's a lot of flu. There's a lot of RSV. There's COVID."

So it's been, I think, a good thing for her health too, where her immune system is very susceptible, where we've just got kind of our tight little circle here and we're not out in public a lot.

I think, again, don't be ashamed to take that time off for a number of reasons.

Scot: All right. As we wrap up this episode, what would you like to learn from our experts? Do you have any experts you'd like to have on the show to talk about dad issues?

Troy: We need pediatricians on here. I think every episode we have going forward should be pediatricians. What do I expect three months, four months? I know that's not practical.

I would love to have Kirtly on here more. I think she's so insightful. I thought so much back to what she talked about with pregnancy, and what to expect, and how to be emotionally available. And I think that's a really important thing going forward. How do you continue to do that as a husband and a parent?

Beyond that, I think diet and exercise are always going to be a challenge, because there are going to be different challenges at every phase of her life in terms of just her needs and the time investment. So I think anything we can continue to talk about there. It's just a great reminder and motivation to keep focusing on those things.

Scot: Yeah, reminder to keep focusing on maybe ways to make it simpler, or easier, or less time consuming, which isn't always possible. I mean, you can only shave it down so far. But those are good insights.

Troy: Yeah.

Scot: Well, Troy, congratulations.

Mitch: Yeah.

Troy: Yeah, thank you.

Scot: I'm so excited and happy for you, and every time your wife posts pictures on Facebook, I love it.

Troy: So many pictures. So many.

Scot: That's all right. It's a well-documented growing up she'll have.

Troy: There's no question about that. Yeah, no doubt.

Scot: All right. Well, Troy, thanks for sharing your insights about being a new dad. I hope that that is helpful to you if you're a new dad, and maybe you can take one of the things Troy talked about and apply that when you are expecting your child, whether that's, "Listen, I've got to make a conscientious effort to make sure that I still exercise, or that I find something that I can do that gives me a little break with my brain for a few minutes a day."

What were some of the other things you talked about? Don't have those stress foods in the house if you think you're going to eat them. But on the other hand, if you need some stress food sometimes, then go for it.

Troy: Yeah, go get those Oreos.

Scot: Everything is just kind of in the middle, in balance and moderation.

Troy, congratulations on being a new dad. Thanks for sharing your experience, and thanks for caring about men's health.

Troy: Thank you, and thanks for talking to me about it. Like you said, it's fun to talk about it. And this is the most I have talked about it since she was born and it's really fun to talk about it. So I appreciate you listening to me and letting me chat about it.

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